- X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy investigations of disordered matter, plenary lecture given at the XAFS international conference held in Krakow (July 2018).
- Is the Solid Electrolyte Interphase an Extra-Charge Reservoir in Li-Ion Batteries?, paper presented at international
conferences (2017) on energy-related materials
Original paper: S. Javad Rezvani , Roberto Gunnella, Agnieszka Witkowska, Franziska Mueller, Marta Pasqualini, Francesco Nobili, Stefano Passerini, and Andrea Di Cicco,
Is the Solid Electrolyte Interphase an Extra-Charge Reservoir in Li-Ion Batteries?, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9 (5), pp 4570-4576 [on line electronic journal]
Summary: Advanced metal oxide electrodes in Li-ion batteries usually show reversible capacities exceeding the theoretically expected ones. Despite many studies and tentative interpretations, the origin of this extra-capacity is not assessed yet. Lithium storage can be increased through different chemical processes developing in the electrodes during charging cycles. The solid electrolyte interface (SEI), formed already during the first lithium uptake, is usually considered to be a passivation layer preventing the oxidation of the electrodes while not participating in the lithium storage process. In this work, we combine high resolution soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy with tunable probing depth and photoemission spectroscopy to obtain profiles of the surface evolution of a well-known prototype conversion-alloying type mixed metal oxide (carbon coated ZnFe2O4) electrode. We show that a partially reversible layer of alkyl lithium carbonates is formed (5-7 nm) at the SEI surface when reaching higher Li storage levels. This layer acts as a Li reservoir and seems to give a significant contribution to the extra-capacity of the electrodes. This result further extends the role of the SEI layer in the functionality of Li-ion batteries.
Video story of our scientific activity within the SIRBATT project produced in 2015 |
- Depth profiling of the Solid Electrolyte Interphase in Li-ion electrodes, paper highlighted in the ELETTRA Top stories and in the 2015 issue of the
ELETTRA highlights. ELETTRA highlights pag. 20.
- Chemical disorder and polyamorphism in glassy GeSe2, Soleil synchrotron Highlights 2015.
- Local fivefold symmetry in liquid metals, best poster award at XAFS16 (Conference in Karlsruhe 2015) and paper highlighted in the Physics Division highlights
and in the ESRF Highlights 2014 (pp 26-27).
- Spectrometer for photon in-photon out at Elettra and FERMI beamlines, paper highlighted in the 2015 issue of the
ELETTRA highlights. ELETTRA highlights pag. 126.
- EIS: the scattering beamline at FERMI, paper highlighted in the 2015 issue of the
ELETTRA highlights. ELETTRA highlights pag. 130.
- Determination of the free electron density in non-equilibrium states of metals by FEL-induced ultrafast changes, paper highlighted in the 2014 issue of the
ELETTRA highlights. ELETTRA highlights pag. 116.
- Probing matter under extreme conditions at the free-electron-laser facilities: the TIMEX beamline, invited review in the July 2013 issue of the Notiziario Neutroni e Luce di Sincrotrone (CNR).
- Paper highlighted in the PCCP cover (2009):
An XAS experimental approach to study low Pt content electrocatalysts operating in PEM fuel cells
- GNXAS reference book (2009):
Full and updated GNXAS documentation: the GNXAS 'red-book'.
- Organization of the XAFS 14 Conference Camerino (ITALY) July 26-31, 2009.
- ESRF Highlights 2007Highlights 2007:
"Long-lasting controversies on properties of matter at high pressure: the role of XAS"
pag. 91
"On the occurrence of polymorphism in liquid Sn at high-pressure"
pag. 92
- ESRF Highlights 2005 (pag. 87): Liquid gallium in confined droplets under high temperature and high pressure conditions:
- Icosahedral Ordering in Liquid and Undercooled Metals: