1) The new versions of the GNXAS suite of programs have been compiled using the gfortran compiler over different platforms. The currently supported compiled version is that running on 64 bit Linux systems. The current versions of the programs have been not extensively tested but to the best of our knowledge they run smoothly on several different computers and Linux distributions. GNXAS users should not need libraries or compilers for the installation because those versions are statically-linked executables.
2) The GnXAS programs can be used also on other platforms if a Linux-embedded system is available. For example, for Windows (using WSL) you can follow specific instructions (please refer to the guide written by M. Minicucci and A. Trapananti). Other versions of the programs compiled for Apple Mac and windows microsoft computers, as well as the w-GnXAS version, can be obtained from the current responsibles (F. Iesari and K. Hatada, see this webpage). The RMC-GnXAS suite of programs can be also obtained from the authors (A. Di Cicco and F. Iesari) upon request.
3) Follow the instructions reported on the GNXAS website for proper installation of GNXAS. Programs have an expiration date and must be reinstalled after the given expiration date. Please refer to the GNXAS manual(s) for proper usage of the software. The technical and scientific features of the current GNXAS version (12.2023) are substantially identical to those of versions 11.2013 and 12.2006 described in the website and in the manuals.
4) Please report any problem/misfunction using this version of the programs
to K. Hatada and A. Di Cicco (e-mails on the website).
Linux, MAC operating systems
PC Linux 32 bit download page (exes and Mint 17.3 iso)
PC Linux 64 bit download page
Mac OSX 10.12.6 64 bit download page
Mac/Windows versions
GnXAS programs can run smoothly using embedded Linux systems. For example see the guide written by M. Minicucci and A. Trapananti for Windows. For update programs compiled on native Mac or Windows system please contact K. Hatada for more infos.
w-GNXAS package (GUI) (discontinued)
GnXAS with the graphical interface w-GNXAS is presently not supported anymore. You may still obtain a compiled version contacting F. Iesari for more infos.
Camerino, 7-Nov-2013, updated 19 January 2015, 21 July 2015, 15 Dec 2017, 4 Feb 2019, 8 Jan 2021, 15 Feb 2024
Current updated GNXAS version:
Version 12.2023 (Camerino source)
Linux 64 bits, Mac 64 bits
*gfortran common source