
Versions 3.2001 and 9.00

Linux, Unix OSF1, OpenVMS 1.5-7.2

Versions 3.2001 and 9.00 of GNXAS contains important modifications of the FITHEO program. It incorporates all of the features of the previous 2.99 and 8.99 versions so please refer to README_info_2_99.html for further information.


New features of the latest version:

Please note: the 3.2001 version is still a beta version and has been compiled using the 2.2.16 Kernel under Linux (Red Hat 7.0). It incorporates all the advances of the previous versions. The 9.00 was compiled using the 2.2.13 Kernel under Linux (Slackware 7).


Changes in FITHEO

An internal change of the precision in the atomic units conversion factor (now 0.529177) can lead to slightly improved structural results (of the order of 2/1000) and to different minima in parameters' space.

please note: structural refinements obtained with the 3.2001 or 9.00 versions can be slightly different from those obtained using previous GNXAS versions!

The normalization of the X^2-like factor (residual) to be minimized has been CHANGED. This has been done to avoid possible dependence of the structural results from the sample absorbance (used in the previous version to normalize the residual) observed in some previous cases.

please note: minimization results of the 3.2001 or 9.00 versions are not directly comparable with those of previous GNXAS versions!

Possible glitches or spikes detected by the program are now indicated on default output (screen), in the FITHEO.WRN file, and visualised, when this option is seleceted, in the magnified 'PA' plot.

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COPYRIGHT 1996-today XAS group University of Camerino - Responsible: A. Di Cicco

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