
XAS group location

XAS Group Address: Sezione di Fisica, Scuola di Scienze e Tecnologie, Università di Camerino. Google map.
Via Madonna delle Carceri, 9 I-62032 Camerino (MC) Italy.
Milano Malpensa Pisa Galileo Galilei Roma Fiumicino Camerino Click here to calculate distances

Where is Camerino? CLICK on the map for other informations

Where is Camerino

How to reach Camerino.
- by air: (view the map)"Raffaello Sanzio" Airport Ancona-Falconara
(80Km far from Camerino)
- by train: (view the map) Castel Raimondo Station
(10Km far from Camerino)
- by car: you can calculate distances and accurate maps for your own necessity.

Detailed map of Camerino

View the detailed map of Camerino

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