Data Analysis ExamplesSeveral complete examples of usage of GNXAS have been illustrated during the international workshops held in Camerino in 1992 and 1996 and more recently during the "School on Synchrotron Radiation" (Trieste, 2000). The examples include gas-phase molecules Br2, SiCl4 and crystalline systems (Fe, Ge). We intend to post complete XAFS data analysis examples using the GNXAS software package in the form of g-zipped UNIX tar files. These archives contain a directory structure with subdirectories like /dat containing the original data files, /pha phase shift-calculations, /xas signal calculations, and /fit fitting of the experimental data and error analysis. The archives contain data files, input files for the various programs of the package, and output files with data-analysis results. Fell free to down-load this material and modify the *.in input files for your needs. Please remember that all this material has been published, and if you wish to use the data files or the data-analysis results in a publication the original papers indicated in the corresponding README files have to be cited. The following complete data analysis examples have been illustrated at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) during the XAS tutorial lectures of the School on Synchrotron Radiation, Trieste (Italy) 6-Nov-2000 to 8-Dec-2000:
COPYRIGHT 1996-today XAS group University of Camerino - Responsible: A. Di Cicco