The development of the TIMEX end-station was proposed by the XAS group @ Camerino University and involved a collaboration between two institutions:
X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) group at the University of Camerino (scientific responsible: Prof. Andrea Di Cicco)
FERMI@ELETTRA synchrotron radiation facility in Trieste, EIS beamline (responsible: Dr. Claudio Masciovecchio)
Personnel involved in TIMEX research (2008-2012)
Dr. Claudio Masciovecchio, EIS beamline responsible 2008-2012
Dr. Filippo Bencivenga, beamline scientist (2008-2012)
Alessandro Gessini, technologist (2008-2012)
Dr. Francesco D'Amico (post-doc 2009-2011)
Dr. Riccardo Cucini (post-doc 2011-2012)
Dr. Emiliano Principi(beamline scientist 2011-2012)
Erika Giangrisostomi (Ph.D student 2011-2012)
Dr. Silvia Di Fonzo (scientist 2011-2012)
University of Camerino
Prof. Andrea Di Cicco, scientific responsible
Prof. Roberto Gunnella (2008-2012)
Prof. Adriano Filipponi (University of L'Aquila) (2008-2012)
Dr. Angela Trapananti (scientist 2008-2009)
Dr. Emiliano Principi (post-doc 2010)
Dr. Keisuke Hatada (post-doc 2011-2012)
Mamatimin Abbas (supported 2009)
Erika Giangrisostomi (supported 2010)
Carino Ferrante (supported 2011)
Collaborations for pilot and FEL experiments
Prof. Adriano Filipponi, University of L'Aquila
Prof. Fulvio Parmigiani, University of Trieste, ELETTRA Synchrotron
Dr. Goran Zgrablic, University of Trieste, ELETTRA Synchrotron
TIMEX optics at FERMI (PADRES team)
Dr. Daniele Cocco (now at LCLS), Dr. C. Svetina, and Dr. M. Zangrando , ELETTRA Synchrotron in Trieste