Program gnpeak

by A. Filipponi (1995), revised May 1999, Aug 2000

General program description
The program gnpeak is a utility program able to analyze an input atomic cluster and to identify the main 2, 3, and 4 atoms sub-clusters relevant for the calculation of the leading single and multiple scattering contributions to the x-ray absorption cross section. The input for the program can be generated automatically using crymol, some of the output files can be used directly as part of the input for the signal calculation program gnxas.

The program identifies all the distinct two, three, and four-body local configurations around a photoabsorber atom. These atomic configurations will be often referred to as ``peaks'' of the two-body (g2), three-body (g3), and four-body (g4) distribution functions respectively. The nomenclature is borrowed from the theory of the liquid structure. In a crystalline or molecular case the n-body distribution functions (gn) are the sum of thermally broadened Gaussian peaks centered on particular geometries. In the liquid case the gn functions oscillate around the value of 1, they show peaks corresponding to highly probable configurations and are 0 in excluded volume regions. Each configuration generates several single and multiple scattering contributions to the x-ray absorption cross-section. The analysis is performed on a cluster, specified by an input formatted file denominated ABC.ato (ABC is a three character string), that contains basic information on the atoms including type, position, and neighbours. The file can be prepared automatically by the program crymol (see crymol documentation for details). The cluster can be either representative of the whole structure (as in the case of a molecule) or of a portion of it up to a distance D from the central photoabsorber atom, as in the case of a crystal. In this latter case the sub cluster analysis can be performed up to maximum distance RCUT £ D for which the counting of the atomic configurations is still correct in the cluster. If the user requires RCUT > D a new crymol run with the appropriate input should be executed. For each photoabsorber atom the program selects all possible different arrangements of 1, 2 and 3 neighbouring atoms. The output is a table of peaks of the pair, triplet and quadruplet distribution functions g2, g3 and g4 with the constraint that one of the atoms must be of the photoabsorber type. Possible equivalences of peaks after a permutation of the photoabsorber are considered. This can reduce considerably the number of different structures that have to be considered in a case in which many atoms of the photoabsorber type exist in the structure.

Input files
The only file required is ABC.ato where ABC can be any (A3) string. ABC.ato can be automatically generated by the crymol program.

Program execution
The program execution is trivial and suitable for an interactive run.

card 1:
ABC (character*3) ® cluster name ... will read file ABC.ato
card 2:
EPS (free format) ® tolerance distance in Å within which two geometries are considered equivalent. A simple return or zero can be typed for a default option of .0002 Å.
card 3:
RCUT (free format) ® cutoff distance for the sub-cluster size counting. The value zero or just return can be entered to select the maximum size compatible with the cluster.
>> > in case the number of atoms exceeds 100 an additional card is needed << <

card 3a:
RCUT4 (free format) ® cutoff distance for the paths in the g4, may be selected smaller than RCUT to limit the number selected 4-atom clusters
Output files
The program generates four output files.

® ABC.gnp

® ABC.gnx

® ABC.chi

® ABC.dbw

ABC is the same (A3) string of the input file, the extensions are given by the program automatically. The open qualifier is STATUS=`UNKNOWN', so that previous version are overwritten under UNIX operative systems. The file ABC.gnp contains a list of the g2, g3, and g4 peaks found in the cluster below the given cutoff, the format is useful for a rapid inspection of the peak analysis performed by gnpeak. The file ABC.gnx contains the same information of the .gnp file, but in numerical form directly usable as part of an input for the gnxas program which actually performs the signal computations (see the gnxas.doc for details). The file ABC.chi contains a list of the main cn paths related to the gn peaks. First the c2 and c4 related to a g2 distribution are listed, then all the c3, and c4 related to a g3, and finally all the c4 related to g4 peaks are listed. The association of cn contribution to gn peaks actually follows a physical intuition, since all the paths generated by the same geometrical arrangement of 2, 3 or 4 bodies are in this way listed together. The use of this file is mainly to provide a link with previous approaches where a wide use of the multiple scattering series was performed. Finally the file ABC.dbw is generated only in the case when the cluster is disordered and it has been analysed with a large EPS tolerance so that several configurations are included into the same peak. It contains the structural covariance matrices of the geometrical parameters for the various g2 and g3 peaks. Covariance matrices are not calculated for g4 peaks.

Peak counting scheme
The counting of the relevant n-body configurations (sub-clusters) in a given structure, involves the evaluation of equivalent atomic arrangements that, if suitably rotated and translated, can be overlapped atom by atom (coincidence in position and atomic types). The number of equivalent atomic configurations divided by the number of atoms in the structure is referred to as PEAK DEGENERACY. As an example in a f.c.c. lattice there are 6 two-body configurations, with two identical atoms placed at the first neighbour distance R, per atom in the crystal. The degeneracy of this two-body configuration is therefore 6.

There is however a different ``local'' perspective for the configuration counting which considers what is seen from a given atom in the structure. This is exactly what is required for calculating the x-ray absorption signal due to a photoabsorption process involving that atomic site. This counting involves the conditional n-body distribution functions that describe the probability that n atoms are placed in a given arrangement provided that one of them is of a specified type and is in a given position. The two configuration counting schemes are equivalent. Coming back to the previous example, in the f.c.c. lattice is well known that the number of first neighbours at the distance R is 12. This is the so called COORDINATION NUMBER corresponding to the ``first peak'' of the ``conditional two-body distribution function''. Thus the two-body configuration with a degeneracy of 6 generates a shell of neighbours with coordination number of 12. The doubling from 6 to 12 arises because both of the atoms in the two-body configuration are identical and can act as the photoabsorber. More complex relationships occur in the case of three and four body peaks.

Let us now establish what are the parameters sufficient to describe a n-body peak, starting with the two-body ones.


A two-body peak, that can be schematically represented as:

is completely described by the specification of the distance and of the two atomic types.

                        R12, TY1, TY2

Only those peaks in which at least one of the two atoms is of the photoabsorber type atoms are interesting for the EXAFS calculation. Let A2 be the degeneracy of the peak. Then there are two possible cases for the counting in the local perspective. Either TY1 is different from TY2 and then the contribution to the number of configuration (conf #) NC2 (the so called ``coordination number'') is NC2=A2 or TY1=TY2 and NC2=2×A2 (as in the previous example).


A three-body peak can be schematically represented as:

It is completely described by three roto-translational invariants and the atomic types in positions 1, 2 and 3. In light of the chemical applications of the theory where the most stable and well defined distances are likely to be the shortest two among the three sides of the triangle and the chemically meaningful bond angle be the angle between these two sides, the following convention will be used:
the peak geometry is established by the distances of the shortest bonds R12 and R13 and the angle q[^213] in between;
the site 1 is by definition the vertex between the two shortest bonds;
the site 2 is by definition the vertex at the other end of the shortest bond;
the site 3 is the other site in the triangle.
If the application of these does not define a unique choice, then any choice is completely equivalent for symmetry reasons. Summarizing, the peak position is specified by the parameters R12, R13 and Th (R12, R13, q[^213]) and by the atomic types of the atoms in position 1, 2 and 3 respectively TY1, TY2 and TY3; R23 can be calculated easily by using the Carnot formula. The degeneracy of the peak will be indicated with A3.

There are three possible symmetry conditions on the triangle which can be checked with a permutation of the atoms: in the most general case when the three sides, or the atoms, are not equivalent the triangle is scalene ``S''. If two atoms are equivalent as well as the two bond connecting them to the third atom, then the triangle is isosceles ``I''. Finally if both three atoms and sides are the same (q = 60°) the triangle is equilateral ``E''. Now it is important to consider the various possible positions of the photoabsorber since each different position will generate a different structural signal. Similarly to the neighbour coordination number, each of these conditional three-body arrangements will be associated with a coordination number, counting the number of configurations of this kind seen from a given photoabsorber. Clearly each of the three possible positions of the photoabsorber will generate A3 contribution to a coordination number. According to the symmetry properties sometimes the number of configurations (conf #) NC3 can be 2×A3 or 3×A3 (equilateral case).


In a four-body peak there are six inter-atomic distances, the geometry is completely described by six roto-translational invariants and the atomic types in positions 1, 2, 3, and 4. Schematic diagrams for four-body peaks are reported below:

In light of the chemical applications of the theory, where the most stable and well defined distances are likely to be the shortest ones among the six sides of the tetragon and the chemically meaningful bond angle be the angle between these sides, the following convention will be used:
the peak geometry is established by a choice of three bonds whose distances sum up to the smaller possible value, these distances can be connected either in a ßtar" way or in a "chain" way. The peak Si,Cl,Cl,Cl in a SiCl4 molecule for instance has a natural ``star'' topology with all meaningful bonds (Si-Cl) irradiating from the Si atom. The peak Br-C-C-C of the molecule Bromo-propane has a natural ``chain'' topology with the sequence of consecutive bonds Br-C, C-C, and C-C.
If a star topology occurs then it is parameterized using the following distances and angles in the given sequence:
R12, R13, q[^213], R14, q[^214], q[^314]

and the atom types are

TY1, TY2, TY3, TY4

Notice that position 1 is the central position in the star, position 2 is at the end of the first distance R12, position 3 is at the end of the second distance R13, and position 4 is at the end of the third distance R14. The three angles q[^213] q[^214] and q[^314] are three angles around the vertex 1.

If a chain topology occurs then it is parameterized by using the following distances and angles in the given sequence:
R12, R23, q[^123], R34, q[^234], f

and the atom types are

TY1, TY2, TY3, TY4

Notice that position 1 is the first end of the chain, position 2 is at the other end of the first distance R12, position 3 is at the end of the second distance R23, and position 4 is at the other end of the chain with respect to position 1, at the end of the third distance R14. The angle q[^123] is the one between the first two bonds, the angle q[^234] is the one between the second and third bonds of the chain. The spatial orientation of the three bonds requires a further angle which is the Dih edral a ngle f among the three bonds.

The degeneracy of the peak will be indicated by


Notice that similarly to the g3 case the same four-body peaks can generate several (up to four) different conditional peaks with the photoabsorber placed in different positions. And each permutation of the photoabsorber can be either singly degenerate or two-fold, three-fold and also four-fold degenerate. This degeneracy times A4 is indicated by the number of configurations (conf #) NC4.

Details on the ABC.gnp file
g2 peaks ® I,R12,NC2,TY1,TY2

progressive number 1,2,3.... of the peak
distance in Å
number of atoms
types of the atoms in position 1 and 2
g3 peaks ® I/J,R12,R13,TH,NC3,PhP,TY1,TY2,TY3,NA3(3),FR3

progressive number 1,2,3.... of the peak
equivalence label: all peaks with the same J belong to the same geometry. They differ in the photoabsorber position.
bond length between atoms 1 and 2 in Å.
bond length between atoms 1 and 3 in Å.
angle between 2, 1, and 3 with vertex of 1.
number of triplets for each photoabsorber
photoabsorber position 1, 2, or 3.
types of the three atoms involved
the order number of the three atoms in the cluster
peak effective frequency
>> > Notice! << <
An additional line, if present, indicates that the third and longer bond coincides with a previously classified two-body configuration. This will be useful to reduce the number of independent coordinates in the system.

g4 peaks:

if FT=`S' ® I/J,FT,R12,R13,T213,R14.T214,T314,NC4,PhP,TY1,TY2,TY3,TY4,NA4(4),FR4

if FT=`C' ® I/J,FT,R12,R23,T123,R34.T234,DihA,NC4,PhP,TY1,TY2,TY3,TY4,NA4(4),FR4
progressive number 1,2,3 ... of the peak
equivalence label: all peaks with the same J belong to the same geometry. They differ in the photoabsorber position.
configuration type 'S'= star, 'C'= chain
bond length R12 between atoms 1 and 2 in Å.
bond length R13 between atoms 1 and 3 in Å.
bond length R23 between atoms 2 and 3 in Å.
bond length R14 between atoms 1 and 4 in Å.
bond length R34 between atoms 3 and 4 in Å.
bond angle q[^213]
bond angle q[^214]
bond angle q[^314]
bond angle q[^123]
bond angle q[^234]
Dihedral angle f.
number of quadruplets for each photoabsorber
photoabsorber position 1, 2, 3, or 3.
types of the four atoms involved
the order number of the four atoms in the cluster
peak effective frequency
Details on the ABC.chi output file
This output file contains the information on the:

associated c2 and c4 paths ® I,Xn,PATH,SYP,RP,DEG,NP

I progressive number 1,2,3 ... of the c2 or c4 contributions cn is c2 or c4 according to the symbol

a sequence of 3 or 5 atoms number indicating a prototypical path in the cluster
a sequence of 3 or 5 symbols indicating atoms type involved
path length * 0.5, i.e. leading frequency in Fourier spectrum
degeneracy of the path.
number of g2 peak which generates the path
associated c3 and c4 paths ® I,Xn,PATH,SYP,RP,DEG,NP,NPE

I progressive number 1,2,3 ... of the c3 or c4 contributions cn is c3 or c4 according to the symbol

a sequence of 4 or 5 atoms number indicating a prototypical path in the cluster
a sequence of 4 or 5 symbols indicating atoms type involved
path length * 0.5, i.e. leading frequency in Fourier spectrum
degeneracy of the path.
progressive number 1,2,3 ... of the peak
equivalence label: all peaks with the same J belong to the same geometry. They differ in the photoabsorber position.
associated c4 paths ® I,Xn,PATH,SYP,RP,DEG,NP,NPE

I progressive number 1,2,3 ... of the c4 contributions cn always c4 in this case

a sequence of 5 atoms number indicating a prototypical path in the cluster
a sequence of 5 symbols indicating atoms type involved
path length * 0.5, i.e. leading frequency in Fourier spectrum
degeneracy of the path.
progressive number 1,2,3 ... of the peak
equivalence label: all peaks with the same J belong to the same geometry. They differ in the photoabsorber position.
This output provides a clear table to identify the contribution of interest in the specific case.

File translated from TEX by TTH, version 2.78.
On 26 Sep 2000, 09:11.